Unstoppable Heart book floating on blue sky with clouds.

A Memoir    by Ronnie Botwinick Londner

One might expect the author’s daunting experience to flood the story with sadness. But in her deft hands, light streams through the window of her life. I found myself laughing out loud at the bathroom scene in a bank, at the unauthorized toast parties, and many other exceptionally funny scenes.

There is also information so shocking that one cannot help but be enraged by a medical system that hid horrific events. In spite of these harrowing moments, however, the seed of this story blooms within the transmission of letters between this family and another (I don’t want to give away what’s going on with these communique, so forgive the mysterious lapse of information).

The author writes with a light touch, encasing a tragic event within rainbow-like parameters, which only the most accomplished writer could deliver with pathos, humor and, above all, joy. This may be the finest memoir I’ve ever read.

— Patricia Bloom

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unstoppable heart

the reviews

This book powerfully and emotionally took me through love, loss, and deliverance in breathtaking currents. I was totally caught up in each and every page. As a hospice professional, I found myself noting of many useful, practical tips I plan to use with nurses, doctors, chaplains and social workers who provide compassionate care.

— Jill Beach

Hospice Education Coordinator

"Unstoppable Heart" is a riveting family tale of heartbreak, hope and love. I plan to recommend to patients, families and colleagues. My research centers on regenerating damaged spinal cords; this book can help heal damaged spirits.

— Mary Bartlett Bunge

Professor of Biology and Neurology
Miami Project to Cure Paralysis

This book touched my own heart with a gentle but strong voice, showing me how life can be sad and happy at the same time. I got to know and care about the people in the book and understood the choices they made.

— Lorraine Ernst

Advanced Practice Holistic Nurse Specialist

Londner’s exquisitely describes the peaks and valleys of being a mother and wife who loses many of those she most cherishes. She takes you on a journey of tragedy and compassion to gratefulness and a sense of peace.

— Jack Hupert


Life loses much of its color after the death of those you loved the most. Ronnie Londner reminds us that despite the inevitable pain of loss, love is always worthwhile. Her depiction of her family's eternal ties will inspire you to seek those ties in your own life.

— Odalis Rodriguez

Fascinating account of
a family's difficult journey with their son
and how his heart
and their memories
of him live on

— Meryl Becker

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